
Concurrent Swiss Map

An open-source Go library that provides a high-performance, thread-safe generic concurrent hash map implementation designed to handle concurrent access efficiently.


Go DCP Elasticsearch

Go implementation of the Couchbase Elasticsearch Connector that replicates documents from Couchbase via Database Change Protocol (DCP) and writes each document to an Elasticsearch index in near real-time.

Go Couchbase Elasticsearch CDC


A Go pipeline solution that can be used in many different combinations for chaining pipeline steps.

Go Pipeline

Go DCP Kafka

Go implementation of the Couchbase Kafka Connector that streams documents from Couchbase via Database Change Protocol (DCP) and publishes each document to a Kafka topic in near real-time.

Go Couchbase Kafka CDC


Streams documents from Couchbase via Database Change Protocol (DCP) and writes each document to a SQL table in near real-time.

Go Couchbase SQL CDC


A library to handle queries and commands via a command bus in Kotlin and Java applications, supporting CQRS and Event Sourcing patterns.

Kotlin Java


Kafka Konsumer provides an easy implementation of Kafka consumer with a built-in retry/exception manager.

Go Kafka


A mobile application that lists movies to the user according to the semantic content of the text information entered by them.

Java Spring Boot Dialogflow Neo4j MongoDB Elasticsearch

Go Assist

A mobile application developed to prevent vehicles (Tow Trucks, etc.) from turning empty, with backend developed using Node.js and admin panel using React.

Node.js Express MongoDB Firebase React


A Google Assistant Application that reminds various activities to users who have Alzheimer's disease, developed during a hackathon.

Dialogflow Node.js Firebase